お出かけサポートシステム(ver2くらい あまり動作しない)
# Add your Python code here. E.g. from microbit import * #import microbit import music import radio import os display.scroll('RadioV1') radio.config(channel=10, power=4)#BLE init radio.on()#BLE ON btnChk = False myID = 1 grCount = 1 grChk = False oneTime = False timerA = 0 timerB = 0 #tune = ["C4:4", "D4:4", "E4:4", "C4:4", "C4:4", "D4:4", "E4:4", "C4:4","E4:4", "F4:4", "G4:8", "E4:4", "F4:4", "G4:8"] tune2 = ["E4:1"] #File read if 'id.txt' in os.listdir(): with open('id.txt') as my_id: myidtxt = my_id.read() myID = int(myidtxt) if 'gr.txt' in os.listdir(): with open('gr.txt') as gr_id: mygridtxt = gr_id.read() grCount = int(mygridtxt) while True: if button_a.is_pressed() and button_b.is_pressed(): ##setingMode if btnChk is False: btnChk = True display.scroll('SET') display.scroll('ID=' + str(myID)) elif btnChk is True: btnChk = False #end set mode shakeChk = False #end shake mode display.show(Image.YES) elif button_a.is_pressed(): if btnChk is True and grChk is False:#ID count mode if myID < 20: myID += 1 else: myID = 0 display.scroll('ID' + str(myID)) #sleep(200) #display.clear() elif btnChk is False and grChk is True:#group count mode if grCount < 20: grCount += 1 else: grCount = 0 display.scroll('GR' + str(grCount)) else: music.play(tune2) elif button_b.is_pressed(): if btnChk is False and grChk is False: radio.config(power=7)#HelpMode radio.send('HELP') radio.config(power=4)#HelpMode display.scroll('HELP') sleep(800) display.clear() elif btnChk is False and grChk is True:#end gr set mode btnChk = False #end set mode grChk = False #end shake mode radio.send(str(grCount)) display.show(Image.YES) sleep(500) display.clear() #File Save with open('id.txt', 'w') as my_id: my_id.write(str(myID)) with open('gr.txt', 'w') as gr_id: gr_id.write(str(grCount)) if btnChk is True and grChk is False:#end id set mode btnChk = False grChk = True#to Group set mode display.show(Image.YES) sleep(500) display.clear() display.scroll('GR=' + str(grCount)) #else: #display.scroll('') s = radio.receive() if s == 'flash': display.scroll('Recieve') elif s == 'HELP': display.scroll('!') music.play(music.RINGTONE) display.show(Image.SAD) sleep(3000) display.clear() elif(s): if btnChk is False and grChk is False: grCount = int(s) display.scroll('GR=' + str(grCount)) with open('gr.txt', 'w') as gr_id: gr_id.write(str(grCount)) # display.show(Image.HEART) if running_time() > timerA: #sendID sleep(100)